2014年3月29日 星期六

Little special for the ones we care

這是我第一個學徒的成品呦, 是不是很美呢?
其實有時候一點小心意不需要很複雜, 就可以在對方心中留下很深的感動喔

自從上次幫忙教會設計了書籤邀請卡之後, 這位朋友就請我教他做書籤
這些我只教他一些基本方法還有選色, 之後從頭到尾都是他自己做的:)

For first beginner to do card crafting, I really recommend to do some easy technique.
And, that the reason why I decide to teach my friend to make bookmarks.
The only thing you need is some ink pads, non-stick sheet, and heater.
If you have those things, you can create beautiful background :)
After you are done with the background, I usually will choose two stamps, one is image, and other one is text. Really easy and simple!
Here are my first "student" made 20 for each style for her high school reunion.
She did everything by herself, so proud of her :)




雖然Spring Break已經結束好久了, 但一回來就奔入presentation的懷抱中
結束後, 又趕著要打包整理好要海運的東西, 目前已經有四箱囉嗚呼:D
現在唯一麻煩的是.....我買的這麼多的麵粉 and other baking stuff該怎麼辦?
Well...I think the best solution is to "bake"!!!!!
所以最近忙碌事項: 烤杏仁餅乾, 蛋塔, 香蕉蛋糕, 泡芙.......

2014年3月7日 星期五

說去就去的衝衝芝加哥 Chicago Part II

而且都是朋友說想衝芝加哥, 所以我們就開車衝過去了哈哈
鄉下地方住久了, 就會嚮往城市的美食還順便去剪個頭髮:P

照樣吃了名軒的Dim Sum, 還有牛角:P
這次要介紹很好吃的Brunch- Wild Berry
也是人氣高到要排隊喔, 我們好像也至少等了兩個小時

Address: 130 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone:(312) 938-9777

Chicago 芝加哥遊記

對於傳說中的芝加哥充滿著無限憧憬, 是拜我的美術老師所賜,
我們的其中一個主題是Public Art,
而她講到的正是在芝加哥的豆豆!!! (Cloud Gate)

如今, 來來去去我也去了三次哈哈
但是每次的trip都不長 (幾乎都是三天兩夜), 雖然芝加哥可以玩的地方真的很少

2014年2月28日 星期五

Bookmarks for amazing God

若是以前的我一定沒想過, 以某種程度來說我做到了五年前對自己的挑戰, 那時候我參加了個教會營會 (老實說我已經忘了是哪一個了, 因為暑假/寒假我參加了蠻多個) 當時站在講台上的大雄哥哥叫我們寫下對四年後的期許, 那時候的我還深深對藝術著迷, 但同時也嚴重缺乏自信, 徬徨無助的我傻傻的就寫下:


但之後這個期許還有我的美好回憶照片們被我貼在我房間的牆上, 每年回去家裡看到總會有種我怎麼可能辦得到的想法浮現, 過了一兩年之後, 原本對藝術充滿憧憬的我慢慢的不得不對現實低頭, 當個藝術家根本無法在未來有能力餵飽自己, 所以我之後決定主修商了, 但是我還是有那一點點希望說我不想完全放棄藝術, 所以目光慢慢調整成"藝術可以是個lifetime的興趣" 也是因為我知道自己若是有壓力, 就會下意識的有排斥心態, 在這同時我也慢慢的愛上彩印, 看著一個又一個好厲害的blogger的卡片/書籤, 我總希望我也做出讓人看到會"哇"的卡片! 剛開始的時候, 我還沒有忘記那個期許所以買了幾個跟信仰有關係的印章, 但是他們總是被我擺在櫃子的最深處, 從來都沒有想法說要怎麼用他們

一直到最近, 在ohio這邊的教會, 小組長們想到我有做卡片的興趣, 然後問我有沒有可能為3/7的聯合小組茶會做邀請函, 我想了一下說我可以試試看, 因為最近好像新朋友變得越來越少而當個基督徒的使命就是傳福音, 所以我很開心我可以為愛著我的上帝付出一些我能力範圍內可以做的事情, 之後我做出了這兩種樣式!!

週日小組弟兄姊妹一起來製作書籤邀請函, 一個下午的忙碌後, 我們當天做了四十張左右, 送出書籤因為它的實用性比較高, 而不會看看就把邀請函丟了lol 既然都做了書籤了, 當然邀請函的內容不可能用打的印出來, 這樣多沒誠意啊, 所以可憐(!?)的姊妹們就開始了無止盡的罰寫(!?) 我想若是收到的人一定會收到我們滿到要爆出來的誠意啦:D 儘管他們沒有時間來到聯合小組茶會, 未來當他們生命中或許碰到了什麼事情, 看到了書籤可能會讓他們有個去教會的想法:) 我想我送出書籤的人比較不像邀請函, 而像是播種

我真心希望那些還沒認識上帝的人們, 有天可以給上帝爸爸一個機會進到他們的心中
其實我也不是個很好的基督徒, 常常沒有讀聖經, 禱告, 或是偷懶想睡覺而沒去教會
但是當我對未來的我/事情感到恐懼, 缺乏信心, 自我否定的時候
我依舊感受到天父爸爸很愛我, 沒有因為那些就拋棄我
所以往往當我回頭看的時候, 我都做到了那些我覺得無法達成的事情
這時候我真的覺得"信仰"很奇妙!! 它真的成為了我的支柱!!

Thank you, Father! You are always so amazing :D

2014年2月24日 星期一

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is the "actual" my valentine's card for Alan lol
I used to make really complex one for him, but I decided to change a style for this special day. For this one, my topic is simple and clear with my favorite phrase recently. It is so hard to find someone to love each other always, all ways. So, I am grateful everyday. Also, he gave me a special "card," too! It is wooden card!

2014年2月12日 星期三

Chocolate Cupcake with Cream Cheese Froesting

我想應該不會有人不愛杯子蛋糕, 但是我們總是怕被上面的鮮奶油糖霜給肥死,
所以我想分享一個我很喜歡的糖霜. 它主要是由奶油乳酪做成的喔!!
配上有點甜的巧克力剛剛好, 不會膩

奶油乳酪糖霜 (但是我只用了1 cup的糖, 若是你覺得又太甜可以自己調整)

No body don't like cupcake, especially chocolate flavor!
But, I often got scare of too sweet frosting. (woo that makes my teeth hurts lol)
I found those recipes online, and I really like them!!
I did a little adjustment on the frosting, which I only add one cup of sugar :P

Hope this might help someone who is craving for some easy-to-make cupcakes!

Happy Birthday Card

Hurryyyyy!!! I just finish this one before couple hours deadline! This one is for CFC #127 The topic is over the edge. Also, it was the birthday for More Cards Challenge #105- Happiness Time!

As you can see, I use the tissue paper box again. It is a really easy card, too. Hope you guys like it :) Or, welcome to let me know if you have any suggestion to make it better.

After a long time struggling/ preparing my personal career goal strategy, I thought finally I can end it tonight. Unfortunately, my professor forgot that I want to present tonight, so I have to wait until Thursday... ahhh... I am not good at public speaking.. Hope someday I will not be nervous and feel comfortable talking in front of many people.

The good news is I am going to Chicago this weekend!!! We already plan to go LOTS of restaurant to eat. I am so exciting and can't WAIT!!! I know someone is exciting about the weekend, too, especially the Valentine is coming soon. Well just want to wish you guys have a good time and thanks for stop by :)

2014年2月6日 星期四


只要將豬肉片醃個醬, 再炒個菜, 就是很豐富的午餐囉:D


醬油 1    大匙
味噌 2    小匙
味淋 1.5 大匙
清酒 1    大匙
蒜泥 1    小匙
薑泥 1    小匙

我怕醃的時間不夠, 還擅自多了五分鐘
強烈建議: 醃肉只要醃五分鐘就夠了

食譜來源: Masa 豬肉丼

2014年2月3日 星期一

國外過年不孤單- 炸年糕

但是想想我也已經五年沒有回去過過年了... (損失了五年的紅包啊!!!!!)
所以只好自己動手做 (我只能說想吃就是動力啊)

中筋麵粉  4匙
水            6匙
雞蛋         1顆

將年糕沾上麵糊後, 將兩面炸到金黃就可以吃囉

這次還不是只有自己獨吞哈哈, 帶去了教會小組跟大家分享
除了年糕, 還有大家一起包水餃 (不知道傳統由來但好像大家都會吃水餃)

2014年1月28日 星期二

I will love you always, all ways

This one is made for CFC #126- Color Block. I love this one better than my last card, which is the article make a wish. I want to try something new, so I cut those two color into one inch square and made a heart shape. It is also a great card for Valentine's Day card, too. But, I think I will keep my "actual" Valentine's Day card until that day! :D This one also has my new friend, sequin! Can't wait to use more on my cards.

就在接近過年的時候, Ohio依舊好冷好冷, 冷到都停課了呢 (-10F/-23C)
你們說誇不誇張!!!! 但是就在放假的時候, 學校發現了一個很酷的現象

Hope y'all stay home and stay warm

2014年1月26日 星期日

Make a Wish

也跳脫一下每次的生日卡都是"Happy Birthday" 的字,
所以這次只用了"make a wish"


Always wanna make one of this kind of card.
Finally, I use different word "Happy Birthday" to "make a wish" for birthday card.

This one is for my roommate who live with me for two years.
Thank him handle everything goes on in this apt.
Hope he will have a good time work in NY!

2014年1月24日 星期五

More Cards Challenge #104- Two Ribbons

This one is made for MCC #104 - Two Ribbons (or more) It is true that more and more new toys for people to play with and forget our good friend- ribbons. LOL I use thin strings more than ribbons because it does not fit in every card well. This one was simple to make as you can see, but the fun fact is the heart shape paper part. It is not paper! Anyone want to guess? It is tissue paper box!!! I keep most of pretty tissue paper boxes in case I can use them in somewhere. Even they were at the corner of my room for so long, finally I am going to do something with them. :P


這張是為了魔卡挑戰 #104而作的
我想主題很明顯, 就是快要到的情人節喔
這張我想大家都會做因為很簡單, 但是!!!!!!!!
這張有個驚人的祕密, 就在那張愛心紙上
那其實並不是美編紙, 也不是我蓋印上去的


答案是有的, 而且我還留了好幾個在我房間的角落長灰塵
最近, 讓他們擺脫了結蜘蛛網的命運, 運用在我的卡片們上

2014年1月21日 星期二

Customize Bookmark

Today my friend took me home after our last class, and she spent some times chatting with us. I remembered that she said she want to make bookmark by herself. But, it came up I did it for her. LOL This was a special experience because this one is all customized by her. She pick the color and stamps. My work is design a way to fit all her request together. I learned that the stamp does not have to use entire image. It could be use partially, and you will find out that you can play with the stamp over and over with different cards. This awesome tip is from Virginia Lu! I love her articles of how you can expend your stamp!

Check it out here: How I Stretch My Stamps  

2014年1月20日 星期一

Bookmark 給太陽花女孩

我非常少會做書籤, 有時候也是怕會太單調
當天趕著做好, 當天送人!!!
這張非常簡單, 分別用紅色, 黃色印台在不吸水墊上隨意蓋印, 好讓書籤染色

小小心得: 不用一次就要上色完畢, 每次上色一部分烘乾後, 再進行下一次
這樣比較容易達到自己想要的效果喔, 而不是都是只有一個顏色

這張送給一個像是太陽花的女孩:) 儘管那陣子他生活不順
我還是希望他可以跟太陽一樣, 充滿活力, 照亮自己還有別人!!!

I seldom make bookmark as a gift, but I really ran out of time during that day.
This one was really simple to make, and I had fun see two color being mix together but not entirely mixed. The only thing you need to do is pick two colors and stamp on non-stick craft sheet randomly. And, let the bookmark get some colors!

This one was for a girl who just like a sunflower. Although she was not having a good days for a while. Still, I wish her a happy birthday and hope she will keep being positive! Smile everyday.

2014年1月19日 星期日

You're a wonderful reason to celebrate

This one was for my good friend who transfer to OSU from Seattle with me. The fun point is we did not plan to transfer together. Although we did not know each other well when we were in Seattle, and as I recalled that she doesn't like me during that time, I am glad that we had a chance to become good friends and bubble tea partner in Ohio! Art classes were the most fun time I had in OSU. Even it had lots of difficult tasks to do. I won't forget the craziest experience we had fighting during entire weekend (stay up whole night ) just need to finish one project.

Brief explain the project: It was about the instructor assign an artist for each one and we will need to do some research and find out that artist's characteristics/ style of doing art. Our mission was to make a small booklet for it by only using cutting and pasting. No drawing allow! Guess who is my artist? Joan Miro!!! I have to say that instructor know me well. LOL He is the artist, inspired by Picasso, and use red/ yellow/ blue as major colors for most of the art works with cartoon style.

So, here is the card I made for her as a birthday card and gave her a Earl Grey tea bag cuz we are tea-lovers!!! (The interesting fact is that I didn't notice the tea bag matches with the card until she told me that :P)

Hope you all have a great weekend!  

2014年1月16日 星期四

義式燉飯 Risotto

在看到這個食譜之前, 我還不太了解什麼是燉飯...
之後發現原來是從生米下去煮的!!! 而且食材也可以取決於冰箱有什麼喔

這是我的第一個版本的燉飯, 主要材料:
雞湯塊一個 (也可以使用熬煮的雞湯更棒喔, 沒有雞湯塊直接用熱水也可以)

1) 將雞湯塊完全溶解到600cc的熱水
2) 將蘆筍切小塊, 炒熟調味好, 放在旁邊備用
3) 洋蔥跟培根炒熟
4) 生米直接倒入有洋蔥跟培根的炒鍋裡面 (不用洗)
5) 炒到米變半透明再加雞湯(雞湯塊+水)
6) 慢慢加不要一次加完, 可以分個三次

若是加完第二次覺得米還是太硬沒有熟, 可以用鍋蓋蓋起來悶到雞湯快要沒有
之後再繼續加剩下的雞湯, 同樣要蓋蓋子悶
(米的軟硬度可以自己調整, 但是燉飯是會有半生不熟的口感喔)
若是雞湯都加完, 還是覺得米太生了, 可以直接加水喔


第二個版本, 沒有培根..怎麼辦呢?
看看冰箱還有上一餐沒吃完的牛排, 就把他們切小塊加進去啦,
味道也很棒喔! 所以裡面的料是可以隨意加減替換的

食譜來源: 生火腿&蘆筍 risotto/義式燉飯

2014年1月15日 星期三


前陣子送了可愛的薑餅人給朋友後, 他之後又請我幫忙送類似的餅乾給小朋友當收涎餅乾

而我還真是上了一課, 因為不懂那是什麼東西
之後上網查才知道, 原來這是個傳統
因為寶寶好像滿四個月左右, 會開始長牙

因為那陣子剛好看到寶寶出門為了不要著涼, 穿上了超級可愛的熊寶寶裝
所以餅乾造型, 我就選了小熊跟愛心

之後, 新問題又跑出來啦....怎麼能夠在餅乾上弄兩個洞??
再度回網路查, 有人也是自己做餅乾, 而他們用筷子!!!!
當下真的驚呼, 他們好聰明喔!!!!!!!!! 原來是筷子!!!
之後想說還好我又薑餅人食譜, 超堅硬的哈哈:P

Here is a Chinese traditional of sending bless to little baby. Even I didn't know this traditional at the beginning. The story began with I made the ginger man cookies and gave one bag to my friend. After that, baby's mom loves it so much and ask me if I can make more for the event. Because a four-month baby starts to grow the teeth, and he will start slobbering a lot, we have a tradition for that. So, I made the cookies in the teddy bear and heart shape and use chopsticks to make two holes on the cookies before putting into the oven.

2014年1月14日 星期二

歡樂聖誕節- 馬賽克拼貼技法

這是去年最後一篇聖誕節了!!! 我保證!!!
我真的很喜歡馬賽克拼貼, 為什麼呢?
因為!!!!!!!一次可以做三張啊!!!! :D:D
1) 選三個同樣大小的顏色紙卡
2) 分別都蓋上背景章 (一定要一樣位置, 不然之後拼貼會接不起來)
3) 蓋好後, 三張紙卡角落都貼上可撕下來的膠帶固定
4) 隨意剪出想要的形狀
5) 之後可以選擇小片紙卡要留縫隙還是不要喔

1) 用上色筆在印章上畫好顏色後, 隨意加上粉紅跟藍點點還有小星星
2) 邊緣用紅色印章上色出框框的感覺 (板擦技法)
3) 附印紙蓋上字張

I promise this is the last article of Christmas card. I really like this technique!! Why?
Because I can make three cards at once!!!

Briefly explain how I make this card:
1) Choose three different color but same size papers
2) Stamp on the background stamp
( Must be stamp on the exactly position, otherwise it will be hard when you wanna mix them together)
3) After stamp step, use the tape, which can tear down easily, to regulate
4) Cut whatever the shape you want randomly
5) You can choose to leave space between each piece or not

Decorate part:
1) Stamp and use color pencil on the image. Then, use magic color pencil to blur color to create shadow feeling and use embossing powder on the image
2) Red ink pad to put a little bit color on the edge
3) use tracing paper to stamp "Merry Christmas"
4) Tie a huge red bow

Hope you guys like it! Thanks for stop by :)

歡樂聖誕節 Merry Christmas改版

If you want to let someone knows you miss him/her, it is not difficult at all. A sweet card with all your thought convert into words. I believe the receiver will know that when he/she got the card! So, my classmate who becomes a good friend of mine really loves this card. (See below) And, ask me if I can make another one for his girlfriend.

Of course, I said yes! I made this card again, but I did a little changes like the text to "Merry Christmas" and the rope to two strings. Those two tiny bows really took me some times... Well, I was glad that he love what I did for those changes!

即使現在網路發達, 想要聊天打開網路就可以見到對方也可以說說話
但是還是覺得這些都沒有一張裡面寫滿, 滿滿的思念的卡片來得真實!
所以當我上學期交到的新朋友呢, 得知道我愛做卡片,
問我能不能幫他做一張一樣的, 我馬上就答應啦:)

延伸閱讀: 旅遊 #52--快樂

2014年1月12日 星期日

歡樂聖誕節- 燙凸技法

燙凸技法真是個很好發揮的一個方法, 所以光是聖誕節這節日就做了三張喔:)
1) 選個主題章來燙凸
2) 用印台還有金質粉 (Perfect Pearl Mist)染色
3) 剪出小標籤 蓋上文字章
4) 綁上蝴蝶結跟小裝飾就完成囉

第一張寄回去給家人, 希望他們可以健康, 不管是生活還是工作都可以順利

第二張送給我的Bestie, 希望他可以順利收到...

這張的背景有點不一樣喔, 是採用Helen的自製復古染料
也就是把墨水補充劑加上金質粉 (Broken China + Turquoise)

所有的主題章都來自Tim Holtz

除了Perfect Pearl 的金質粉我還買了Heirloom Gold,

超級比一比!!!!!!! 看看哪裡不一樣或是有相似的地方呢:P

2014年1月11日 星期六

鹹酥雞 Popcorn Chicken

但是只要有像到一點點, 我就超滿足啦!!!!!!!!
我只能說: "想吃" 的力量真的是太強大啦!!!!!!

最重要的就是感謝小小米桶的簡單易懂的食譜: 鹹酥雞….突然好想吃喔

真的就像裡面所說的醃一醃, 炸一炸就好囉,
至於, 米桶所教的"搶酥" 可用可不用喔,
因為我第一批下去炸的時候有用搶酥, 第二次想說來試試沒有的口感
發現兩個沒有差很多, 若是馬上炸好馬上吃


2014年1月10日 星期五


雖然在網路上看到有人嘗試過, 但看著食譜的量還是有點一頭霧水
不太清楚要加多少, 所以就來自己試試看吧:)

第一次用了兩份瑪德蓮的量, 分了三分之一出來混了半包的伯爵紅茶茶包
直接把茶包撕開到進麵糊裡面, 之後發現烤出來味道沒有很濃

一樣用了Carol 的食譜, 但是用了三份的量然後分了一半出來
但是紅茶茶包的量改成一包又一半, 大獲好評喔!!!

第三次要製作時, 發現根本忘了比例
所以趁這次烤了一批, 趕快做筆記!!!
Carol 的份量比例一比一, 所以若是做四份的量就加四包紅茶茶包粉


This time I tried to add Earl Grey into my Madeleine!
I am a big fan of Earl Grey, so I am curious what will happen when madeleine with Earl Grey flavor?! Even I look it up on  Internet, I was still confused about how much tea powder I should add in.

At the first, I split one-third of original batter and added half of Earl Grey. But, it came out not so good... only taste a little bit different from original...
When I tried second time, I split half of the batter and added one and half Earl Grey tea bag. And, they are delicious!!!!!!!! Next time, I am going to try chocolate and matcha flavor!!!

2014年1月9日 星期四

Wedding Card-- Paper Piecing

This one is for my two good friends. Wanna congrats them for this happy event in their life although there are not many people know this great news at the beginning. Now, their son is four-months-old!!!

I used alcohol inks on the blending tool and pat on glossy paper. Paper piecing on the clothes of brides and groom. Hope you guys like it :)

這張是給在美國認識的好朋搖啦, 恭喜他們結婚啦
雖然只有少數幾的朋友知道, 但我還是替他們感到開心

這張用酒精性顏料滴在blending tool上在隨意輕拍在鏡面紙

2014年1月6日 星期一

All things Grow with Love

This one is attending MCC #103 and CFC #125. Feels like the last one is not really Clean and Simple card, so I decide to make another one. This one did not take me too long to make. When I found those two stamps, I never use them before, in my stamp collection, I have the idea right away. 

So, I continue using the color as my inspiration for MCC #103 and use the word "Grow" for CFC #125. I think I would put a high expectation on myself this year that I will grow a lot! Not only on my study but also learn the tough lesson of Love. I would love my family and friends more, and learn how to love my enemy or the person/things I do like, too! 

做完上張卡片後, 有點反覆思考著....那張好像不怎麼簡潔風...哈哈
所以今天晚上翻著我的印章區時, 找到了這組我從沒用過的印章
馬上就有想法如何製作:P 所以這張完成的非常快速!

同樣要參加魔卡挑戰 #103 (顏色聯想) 還有CFC #125! 我的字"成長"
我想今天我想給自己設個高一點的期許! 除了對自己有信心之外, 也要有明顯的成長
不只在學業上, 也要在人際關係上面! 愛一直是個艱深的課題
學習著如何更愛我的家人, 朋友, 同時也要學習如何愛我的仇敵或是我所不喜歡的人事物

今晚冒著寒冷的天氣去朋友家吃了火鍋, 非常愛她家的貓咪叫Ola <3 跟一群朋友看了總鋪師, 幾乎都是台語喔, 慶幸的是我都還聽得懂沒有忘記:P

2014年1月4日 星期六

For Angel

This was a sad news from last year in the middle of summer vacation... One of my good friends' mom passed away... So, her boyfriend wanted to do something for her mother and asked me to make a card for her. Lavender is her favorite, so he order some real dry lavender which will never fade. It was really sad that we can do nothing and feel helpless because she was in Taiwan alone. Wish we can give her a hug when she needs us. Thanks her for teaching a great daughter and become a good friend of mine. She will be the most shining star in the sky!

2014年1月3日 星期五

歡樂聖誕節- Merry Christmas

又來一張聖誕卡片啦!! (都已經過這麼久了還在PO聖誕卡片.....)
我一直很想做一張這種六角形的卡片, 而那三格其實是貼紙:P

Here comes another Christmas card!!! (Even though it passed for a long time already...I am still posting Christmas card...) I always want to make one of this kind of card, which has the six angles shape. Sorry for do not know the right terminology term for that. If anyone knows what's that call, I am willing to learn! And, those three actually are stickers...

想想真的很有趣, 現在所擁有的最好朋友們都不是因為同班而認識, 而都是透過共同朋友

This one is for a  close friend who study at the same school with me, but never be my classmate. It really interesting to invent that most of my best friends are known when I am still study in Taiwan, but know each other from mutual friends. Wish her can receive my late Christmas card soon!

2014年1月1日 星期三


這是我的餅乾初體驗, 一開始只是為了不要浪費蛋白, 所以看了一下有什麼是只需要蛋白的呢?我就找到了這個!!!!!!!! Carol 的海苔小餅乾!!!!!

這也是在台灣好愛吃的餅乾, 到麵包店一定要帶一兩包回家
打開後就停不下來, 一片接著一片:D

This was my first time to try bake cookies. On this recipe, it has to add a little bit seaweed on it. For most people, you might be surprised. Seaweed? on cookies? Yes, it tastes salted but delicious :)