2014年3月29日 星期六

Little special for the ones we care

這是我第一個學徒的成品呦, 是不是很美呢?
其實有時候一點小心意不需要很複雜, 就可以在對方心中留下很深的感動喔

自從上次幫忙教會設計了書籤邀請卡之後, 這位朋友就請我教他做書籤
這些我只教他一些基本方法還有選色, 之後從頭到尾都是他自己做的:)

For first beginner to do card crafting, I really recommend to do some easy technique.
And, that the reason why I decide to teach my friend to make bookmarks.
The only thing you need is some ink pads, non-stick sheet, and heater.
If you have those things, you can create beautiful background :)
After you are done with the background, I usually will choose two stamps, one is image, and other one is text. Really easy and simple!
Here are my first "student" made 20 for each style for her high school reunion.
She did everything by herself, so proud of her :)




雖然Spring Break已經結束好久了, 但一回來就奔入presentation的懷抱中
結束後, 又趕著要打包整理好要海運的東西, 目前已經有四箱囉嗚呼:D
現在唯一麻煩的是.....我買的這麼多的麵粉 and other baking stuff該怎麼辦?
Well...I think the best solution is to "bake"!!!!!
所以最近忙碌事項: 烤杏仁餅乾, 蛋塔, 香蕉蛋糕, 泡芙.......

