2014年1月10日 星期五


雖然在網路上看到有人嘗試過, 但看著食譜的量還是有點一頭霧水
不太清楚要加多少, 所以就來自己試試看吧:)

第一次用了兩份瑪德蓮的量, 分了三分之一出來混了半包的伯爵紅茶茶包
直接把茶包撕開到進麵糊裡面, 之後發現烤出來味道沒有很濃

一樣用了Carol 的食譜, 但是用了三份的量然後分了一半出來
但是紅茶茶包的量改成一包又一半, 大獲好評喔!!!

第三次要製作時, 發現根本忘了比例
所以趁這次烤了一批, 趕快做筆記!!!
Carol 的份量比例一比一, 所以若是做四份的量就加四包紅茶茶包粉


This time I tried to add Earl Grey into my Madeleine!
I am a big fan of Earl Grey, so I am curious what will happen when madeleine with Earl Grey flavor?! Even I look it up on  Internet, I was still confused about how much tea powder I should add in.

At the first, I split one-third of original batter and added half of Earl Grey. But, it came out not so good... only taste a little bit different from original...
When I tried second time, I split half of the batter and added one and half Earl Grey tea bag. And, they are delicious!!!!!!!! Next time, I am going to try chocolate and matcha flavor!!!

