2013年12月29日 星期日
可愛薑餅人 Ginger man Cookies
感謝細心的Carol, 在聖誕節假期把有關聖誕節的甜點跟菜名都整理出來囉!
我一看到這薑餅人就愛上了, 二話不說馬上動手來試試看:)
整體上是成功的! 只是沒想到餅乾的部分有點厚, 所以之後烤的時間需要比較久
在聖誕節當天幾乎都在搭飛機的我們, 為了補一下過聖誕節的氣氛
兩個人一起畫薑餅人, 特別好玩喔:)
畫到最後都不知道都沒梗了, 我還特別上網看看有什麼特別的造型
歡迎大家去看詳細的作法: Carol 聖誕餅乾
Thanks Carol for posting all the Christmas related recipes!
When I found the ginger man cookie, I was so excited and start making them right away. Overall, they were successful! The cookie part was a little thick, so I needed to bake for longer time. And, the sugar part was not that easy as I thought. Perhaps I put too much water, so it was not good to control for drawing.
On the Christmas day, we were on the plane almost the whole day. So, we decided to celebrate the holiday by making some cookies!!! It was super fun :) Even I went online and search some special ideas, and from my friends' reaction, the most popular style is bikini!!!!
If you are interested to the recipe, please go check it out: Carol Christmas Cookie
做完後, 我還用可愛的包裝裝起來, 送給朋友:) Is it just so cute for Christmas gift? :D
從台灣收到我可愛的乾兒子照片!!!!!還有好特別的101卡片:) 再加上有新朋友跟我從Washington D.C. 回來:D 今年也是個歡樂的聖誕節喔!!!!
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