又來一張聖誕卡片啦!! (都已經過這麼久了還在PO聖誕卡片.....)
我一直很想做一張這種六角形的卡片, 而那三格其實是貼紙:P
Here comes another Christmas card!!! (Even though it passed for a long time already...I am still posting Christmas card...) I always want to make one of this kind of card, which has the six angles shape. Sorry for do not know the right terminology term for that. If anyone knows what's that call, I am willing to learn! And, those three actually are stickers...
想想真的很有趣, 現在所擁有的最好朋友們都不是因為同班而認識, 而都是透過共同朋友
This one is for a close friend who study at the same school with me, but never be my classmate. It really interesting to invent that most of my best friends are known when I am still study in Taiwan, but know each other from mutual friends. Wish her can receive my late Christmas card soon!