2014年1月15日 星期三
前陣子送了可愛的薑餅人給朋友後, 他之後又請我幫忙送類似的餅乾給小朋友當收涎餅乾
而我還真是上了一課, 因為不懂那是什麼東西
之後上網查才知道, 原來這是個傳統
因為寶寶好像滿四個月左右, 會開始長牙
因為那陣子剛好看到寶寶出門為了不要著涼, 穿上了超級可愛的熊寶寶裝
所以餅乾造型, 我就選了小熊跟愛心
之後, 新問題又跑出來啦....怎麼能夠在餅乾上弄兩個洞??
再度回網路查, 有人也是自己做餅乾, 而他們用筷子!!!!
當下真的驚呼, 他們好聰明喔!!!!!!!!! 原來是筷子!!!
之後想說還好我又薑餅人食譜, 超堅硬的哈哈:P
Here is a Chinese traditional of sending bless to little baby. Even I didn't know this traditional at the beginning. The story began with I made the ginger man cookies and gave one bag to my friend. After that, baby's mom loves it so much and ask me if I can make more for the event. Because a four-month baby starts to grow the teeth, and he will start slobbering a lot, we have a tradition for that. So, I made the cookies in the teddy bear and heart shape and use chopsticks to make two holes on the cookies before putting into the oven.
來看看當天的主角!!!!!!! 掛上餅乾後是不是很可愛呢:D 我還特別把小熊跟愛心穿插喔!!!
所以傳統是這樣的, 大家進門前要先唱一首兒歌才可以進來
(哈哈哈沒有啦, 這是我們為了鬧晚來的人的小小惡作劇XD)
回到我們的主題, 大家小心的在寶寶的餅乾項鍊上剝下一小塊
輕輕的抹一些口水, 然後說祝福的話, 再吃掉餅乾
(沒錯呦, 要把沾上口水的餅乾吃掉!!!)
當然, 若是不想也可以塞進爸爸媽媽的嘴lol
延伸閱讀: 可愛薑餅人 Ginger man Cookies
Here is the cutest baby with my cookie necklace!!! Everyone has to tear a little piece of cookie necklace and dip some saliva from baby. Then, we said some blessing like hope you will grow healthy and happily. I say the blessing for baby's dad, which is hope the baby will not cry that often, but we all know that's impossible. LOL After said the blessing, we eat the cookie with baby's saliva. Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine, too. You can give the cookie to the parents. That's all for a quick explanation of this tradition. Hope you have fun reading this and thanks for stop by.
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