2013年12月31日 星期二
歡樂聖誕節- 一張做十次 One for Ten
就在上學期開始沒多久, 因著我一堂課的功課, 我的老師知道我有做手工卡片的興趣, 他是個非常用心的老師, 都會在每週的每位學生功課上一個一個寫評語! 他在我的上面寫著, 帶些卡片來給我看看,若是我有看到喜歡的, 他會跟我買! 對我來說, 是在驚訝不過的事情了!!!!!! 畢竟我一直以來覺得做卡片送人是興趣是心意, 從沒想過會有人向我買卡片!! 所以我就抱著姑且一試的心情帶了一些去給他看看, 想說若是他真的喜歡當中的一張, 我就送他好了! 之後他看中了這張我去年做的聖誕卡片, 我一直不敢送出去因為覺得太簡單了, 我只是綁了條緞帶加上一點亮粉, 讓他看起來有雪的感覺而已, 這張是我從我媽媽廣告中的一張門牌的一部分, 當他正要丟掉, 我就開口跟他要了, 因為非常喜歡總覺得可以把它變成一張卡片, 所以正當我要送給老師的時候, 他居然跟我說他想要十張!!!!!! 我瞬間有點嚇到, 並竟這門牌只有一個....所以我跟他說我回去做做看, 若是他真的喜歡, 我幫他做!
From my last semester, I had an assignment about 5S, which was my favorite and most powerful assignment! It is about the importance of cleanness of the working environment.
I choose to do my card making station, that's why my instructor knows I make cards. She is a hard working instructor! She even make comments on each of us weekly assignments. So, she wrote on mine, said that please bring some samples to class, if I like them, I will buy them. I was surprised at that moment because I never thought that someone would like to buy cards from me. I always think that making cards is a way to show families/ friends that I care about them, and also it is just a hobby. So, I brought some samples to classes and showed her. I was thinking that if she really likes one of them, I will just give her for free. Then, she chose this one, and she said she wants TEN of them. Again, I was shock lol. Because this card is made by a door tag, which is my mother was going to throw that away, and I stopped her. I thought perhaps I can use that on my Christmas card. I made this one from last year Christmas, but I don't wanna give it to friend because I think that's too simple. I just added some ribbon and glitter powder. So, that's go back to my instructor story, I told her I will try my best to see if I can make the second one of it. If she likes it, I will make ten for her.
這就是我做出來的第二個版本, 那字章也是依照他的需求而特別去買的, 背景的雪花, 是我一個一個蓋上去, 之後在灑上紅色的凸粉, 這是花了我最多的時間的一個步驟! 給老師看過後, 他也非常滿意, 所以就開始了我的第一次大量重複做同一張卡片的開始.....
Here is my second one, I made it!!! I bought this new "Happy Holiday" stamp base on her specific need. For the snowflakes on the background, I picked the most similar one I had, and I stamp one snowflake at a time and use red embossing powder and heat it. I need to repeat that step over again and agin and again.... After I showed this one to my instructor, she likes it; therefore, this is the first time I started to make the same card ten times.
我想我真的不會再做這種重複性的卡片了, 因為真的好膩....同樣的東西要一直做一直做, 這種經驗我想一次就夠了哈哈
I think this is the first time and last time I did the same card over again and again because it was not fun lol. You have to repeat all the steps all the time. So, I had this one time experience is good enough. :)
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