2013年12月23日 星期一

四年紀念日 4th Anniversary

今年我想是個成長很多的一年, 我們都變了很多, 互相了解, 互相包容
當感情遇到困難時, 不是逃避, 不是忽略它
而是理性的溝通面對它, 找到雙方都可以接受的方法


所以今年的我, 想換個方式來紀念, 動手做了個書籤
有史以來最久的動手做, 從開始到結束一口氣花了四個小時
因為沒有很多特殊工具, 都是自己慢慢弄 包括蝴蝶的die還有特殊的防熱雙面膠
所以自己蓋印, 剪下, 用一般雙面膠, 在慢慢自己修邊邊
應該是十幾分鐘可以完成的部份, 我花了一個小時哈哈

這是Tim Holtz 三月的書籤

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.

如果每當我想起你就會有一朵花, 那麼我可以漫步在我的花園好久好久 <3

This year is definitely a tough year for us. We grow and change a lot.
We know each other better, and understand each other more.
I hope this feeling can goes on and on.
When the relationship is facing some difficulties, the solution is not escape from it, neither ignore it. The best way is to stay calm, communication, and find a way both can accept it, which is what we did. This is true love.

So, I decided to do something different for him in our fourth year.
I spend four hours in the midnight to finish this tag. It is the longest tag I ever made.
Why? Because I do not have butterfly die cutter and wonder tape, I do everything by myself. I use butterfly stamp, and cut it by scissor. After that, I use double side tape on my butterflies and adjust it by scissor, too. Usually, it only takes ten minutes or so, but I spend an hour on it.

I learn this from Tim Holtz, the tag for March, I love all his tags!
If you don't know about him, go check it out. I believe you will be amazed.  

Thanks for your time to stop by!

