2013年12月31日 星期二

歡樂聖誕節- 一張做十次 One for Ten

就在上學期開始沒多久, 因著我一堂課的功課, 我的老師知道我有做手工卡片的興趣, 他是個非常用心的老師, 都會在每週的每位學生功課上一個一個寫評語! 他在我的上面寫著, 帶些卡片來給我看看,若是我有看到喜歡的, 他會跟我買! 對我來說, 是在驚訝不過的事情了!!!!!! 畢竟我一直以來覺得做卡片送人是興趣是心意, 從沒想過會有人向我買卡片!! 所以我就抱著姑且一試的心情帶了一些去給他看看, 想說若是他真的喜歡當中的一張, 我就送他好了! 之後他看中了這張我去年做的聖誕卡片, 我一直不敢送出去因為覺得太簡單了, 我只是綁了條緞帶加上一點亮粉, 讓他看起來有雪的感覺而已, 這張是我從我媽媽廣告中的一張門牌的一部分, 當他正要丟掉, 我就開口跟他要了, 因為非常喜歡總覺得可以把它變成一張卡片, 所以正當我要送給老師的時候, 他居然跟我說他想要十張!!!!!! 我瞬間有點嚇到, 並竟這門牌只有一個....所以我跟他說我回去做做看, 若是他真的喜歡, 我幫他做!

From my last semester, I had an assignment about 5S, which was my favorite and most powerful assignment! It is about the importance of cleanness of the working environment.


I choose to do my card making station, that's why my instructor knows I make cards. She is a hard working instructor! She even make comments on each of us weekly assignments. So, she wrote on mine, said that please bring some samples to class, if I like them, I will buy them. I was surprised at that moment because I never thought that someone would like to buy cards from me. I always think that making cards is a way to show families/ friends that I care about them, and also it is just a hobby. So, I brought some samples to classes and showed her. I was thinking that if she really likes one of them, I will just give her for free. Then, she chose this one, and she said she wants TEN of them. Again, I was shock lol. Because this card is made by a door tag, which is my mother was going to throw that away, and I stopped her. I thought perhaps I can use that on my Christmas card. I made this one from last year Christmas, but I don't wanna give it to friend because I think that's too simple. I just added some ribbon and glitter powder. So, that's go back to my instructor story, I told her I will try my best to see if I can make the second one of it. If she likes it, I will make ten for her.

歡樂聖誕節- 瀑布卡

每次聖誕節都會做出好多卡片, 送給身邊的還有台灣的親朋好友們!
今年也不例外, 我會陸陸續續全部放上來:)

這張呢, 是給我家Alan的:)
每次偷偷做卡片都要緊張兮兮的, 不過這次有成功驚喜到他!
因為我提早做完, 忍不住到聖誕節當天,
所以做好隔天趁他在洗澡時, 偷偷放在他房間裡
他看到後, 馬上跑過來驚訝的說, 今天又不是節日怎麼送卡片!?
嘿嘿...為了不讓驚喜失敗, 就提前送囉:P

這是我的第二張瀑布卡, 真的朋友看到都會哇一聲, 說很好玩呢:)
歡迎有興趣的朋友們前往:Helen 瀑布卡技法

我把大部分的時間都花在上色上面, 所以花了比較久的時間


2013年12月29日 星期日

可愛薑餅人 Ginger man Cookies

感謝細心的Carol, 在聖誕節假期把有關聖誕節的甜點跟菜名都整理出來囉!
我一看到這薑餅人就愛上了, 二話不說馬上動手來試試看:)

整體上是成功的! 只是沒想到餅乾的部分有點厚, 所以之後烤的時間需要比較久

在聖誕節當天幾乎都在搭飛機的我們, 為了補一下過聖誕節的氣氛
兩個人一起畫薑餅人, 特別好玩喔:)
畫到最後都不知道都沒梗了, 我還特別上網看看有什麼特別的造型

2013年12月27日 星期五

Thankful card for the awesome art instructor

Art has always be my interest. However, the realistic is cruel...It is tough to living as a artist. So, I am majoring in business, but I still don't want to give up art. I was trying to minor in art, but that did not work out well. I only took two art classes due to limited time I have.

This card is made for my art instructor in Ohio State University. I am always thankful for the teaching and the kindness. Because as the international student, there are lots of specific vocabularies, but she always being patient to me. I tried my best in this course and I got an A in the end :)

In this course, I learned a lot and be able to recognize lots of arts during the world. When I visited some attractions, those background of the arts have been recalled to my mind. The most impressive one is the Cloud Gate in Chicago! And the one we recently visit, which is Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. If she did not show and explain those art pieces, I would never have the connection with them.  


Cloud Gate, Chicago

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington D.C.

Thank you, Alison Crocetta, for being a such great teacher!

2013年12月23日 星期一

四年紀念日 4th Anniversary

今年我想是個成長很多的一年, 我們都變了很多, 互相了解, 互相包容
當感情遇到困難時, 不是逃避, 不是忽略它
而是理性的溝通面對它, 找到雙方都可以接受的方法


所以今年的我, 想換個方式來紀念, 動手做了個書籤
有史以來最久的動手做, 從開始到結束一口氣花了四個小時
因為沒有很多特殊工具, 都是自己慢慢弄 包括蝴蝶的die還有特殊的防熱雙面膠
所以自己蓋印, 剪下, 用一般雙面膠, 在慢慢自己修邊邊
應該是十幾分鐘可以完成的部份, 我花了一個小時哈哈

這是Tim Holtz 三月的書籤

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.

如果每當我想起你就會有一朵花, 那麼我可以漫步在我的花園好久好久 <3

This year is definitely a tough year for us. We grow and change a lot.
We know each other better, and understand each other more.
I hope this feeling can goes on and on.
When the relationship is facing some difficulties, the solution is not escape from it, neither ignore it. The best way is to stay calm, communication, and find a way both can accept it, which is what we did. This is true love.

So, I decided to do something different for him in our fourth year.
I spend four hours in the midnight to finish this tag. It is the longest tag I ever made.
Why? Because I do not have butterfly die cutter and wonder tape, I do everything by myself. I use butterfly stamp, and cut it by scissor. After that, I use double side tape on my butterflies and adjust it by scissor, too. Usually, it only takes ten minutes or so, but I spend an hour on it.

I learn this from Tim Holtz, the tag for March, I love all his tags!
If you don't know about him, go check it out. I believe you will be amazed.  

Thanks for your time to stop by!

2013年12月15日 星期日

More Card Challenge -- #101 構圖

This is the card I made for MCC design layout
I really enjoy making cards for my Christmas series and playing with my new toy.
This card I use the embossing powder for the background part.
And, stamp the snowman and start giving him some colorful pigments.

I just fall in love with the cartoon style of snowman and animals.
They are just too adorable!!! So, I took the chance of thanksgiving and bought them for half price, hehehe.
Hope you guys will looking forward for my other Christmas cards.

The word "Merry Christmas" is from Stampin' up
The snowman is from Penny Black


我使用了抗色技法再背景的部份, 雪人呢不要以為只是單純的上色喔
在我上色後, 用浮水筆讓顏色暈染一下, 為了可以看起來更自然,
之後再用透明凸粉, 所以表面其實是有質感的喔:)

話說最近的美國中部幾乎都是負五度呢, 請大家小心保暖喔!!!

2013年12月14日 星期六


還在出遊到加拿大時, 不忘帶兩盒葡式蛋塔回來解解饞


還誇張到說 只要你做出來, 我一定跟你買

就在這次我非常小心的桿麵團, 終於!!!!!!!!
雖然只有到最後兩次有幾處破裂, 但是還好沒有造成太大影響
所以體悟就是: 千層酥皮還是乖乖等到九月後在製作吧XD

剖面照, 是不是看起來很好吃啊



因為皮太後了, 所以裡面根本沒有熟...

之後發現原來是因為我用的烤模比較小, 而麵皮捲起來切一公分太厚了

即使在美國, 也可以品嚐美味的葡式蛋塔真的是太幸福了<3