2014年1月20日 星期一

Bookmark 給太陽花女孩

我非常少會做書籤, 有時候也是怕會太單調
當天趕著做好, 當天送人!!!
這張非常簡單, 分別用紅色, 黃色印台在不吸水墊上隨意蓋印, 好讓書籤染色

小小心得: 不用一次就要上色完畢, 每次上色一部分烘乾後, 再進行下一次
這樣比較容易達到自己想要的效果喔, 而不是都是只有一個顏色

這張送給一個像是太陽花的女孩:) 儘管那陣子他生活不順
我還是希望他可以跟太陽一樣, 充滿活力, 照亮自己還有別人!!!

I seldom make bookmark as a gift, but I really ran out of time during that day.
This one was really simple to make, and I had fun see two color being mix together but not entirely mixed. The only thing you need to do is pick two colors and stamp on non-stick craft sheet randomly. And, let the bookmark get some colors!

This one was for a girl who just like a sunflower. Although she was not having a good days for a while. Still, I wish her a happy birthday and hope she will keep being positive! Smile everyday.

