2014年1月1日 星期三


這是我的餅乾初體驗, 一開始只是為了不要浪費蛋白, 所以看了一下有什麼是只需要蛋白的呢?我就找到了這個!!!!!!!! Carol 的海苔小餅乾!!!!!

這也是在台灣好愛吃的餅乾, 到麵包店一定要帶一兩包回家
打開後就停不下來, 一片接著一片:D

This was my first time to try bake cookies. On this recipe, it has to add a little bit seaweed on it. For most people, you might be surprised. Seaweed? on cookies? Yes, it tastes salted but delicious :)

一直以來覺得餅乾好像不難, 但嘗試過後我發現我錯了....將蛋白加入奶油這步驟真的需要練習, 我一度還以為這個要失敗了......之後學到了...蛋白真的要很有耐心一次絕對不可以加太多, 但是若是真的加太多也不要放棄, 繼續打下去, 奶油還是會慢慢吸收蛋白, 只是需要一點時間, 當然這過程手會非常的痠!!!!!! 但為了不要把食材丟掉, 即使變成散花狀還是手痠的一直打, 當然可以試試用打發器打, 而我也試過了, 但是不曉得為什麼散花狀的情況只會越來越嚴重....

The process of making this cookie is not really easy from my experience because it is a little bit tough for you to mix butter and egg white together. In the middle of this step, I was gonna give up because it did not looks right....However, I did not want to throw the materials away, so I kept the step of mixing.

而這就是不放棄的結果喔:) 也許有些地方做錯了, 但只要抱著姑且一試, 堅持到底的心態, 有可能你以為會是失敗的, 到最後會意外成功的好吃喔!!!!!!

And, this is the result of not give up easily. Sometimes, perhaps you thought you already know the result would be bad or fail, but if you keep the attitude of give it a try and not give up, there is a chance that you might be success in the end!

我使用的是這個海苔粉, 不一定要用這個
只要是類似的可以配飯那種, 我想應該都可以試試看

3 則留言:

  1. 很開心做的順利

  2. 请问甚么是海苔粉?可否自己买海苔来搅成粉状。那。。。又要买那一种呢?

    1. 不用自己攪成粉狀喔, 我使用的是一般拿來配飯用的
      我在上方加了圖片, 希望有幫助喔
