2013年11月28日 星期四

More Card Challenge -- #100 Anything Goes

It has been a long time for me to not get involve of the More Card Challenge.
Finally, it's one of the most excited holidays!!! Thanksgiving time!!! Why?

Because....it means SHOPPING TIME!!!!!!

But to me, it means finally I can a break to get rid of the endless project, meetings, and exams. Once I go back and looking for the website, I did not expect the topic for this time is Anything Goes! How wonderful :)

So, I take this great opportunity to make this birthday card for my future roommate ( of course, I have to let her feels being loved) and attend the challenge. It is always fun to make something by my hands. I love to see the person's expression when he/she opens the card. I can feel that the receiver has the feeling of being special. I guess this is the reason why I have the passion of card crafting. It does not have to be made by difficult techniques, but it will defiantly be unique.


天啊, 我已經好久沒有參加魔卡挑戰了, 但是不代表我就停止手工卡片悠
只是無止盡的報告, 會議, 考試, 有點讓人無法擁有時間做完卡片然後再來打blog
又或者是說, 我喜歡一鼓作氣的把一張卡片做完, 而不是一天做一點

一年一度大家最期待的感恩節又到啦, 為什麼呢? 那代表說撒錢時間又到啦...
但是對我來說呢, 我終於可以擺脫那些煩人的學校了

沒想到, 一回到魔卡挑戰 就看到題目是 什麼都可以!!!!!!
所以呢, 剛好我的生命共同體 (因為我們一起拿了三堂課, 連下課都要一起討論功課)
又即將是我的未來室友, 當然要讓他感覺到他也很特別啊
所以我跟另外幾個好友就一起送他了不錯的大衣, 讓他可以度過這麼冷死人的冬天
Ohio is freezing, and it is like 25F/-3C now....


I think maybe the person who is called "Michelle" has a really good scenes of humor
Why? because I have two friends who are called Michelle, and they are really funny.

Once again, Happy Birthday Michelle

2 則留言:

  1. Hi Cheryl, 這張卡片充滿了活力,讓人看了很開心! Well done and big applauses!

    為了慶祝魔卡挑戰的第100次挑戰,Helen要送出全新的Stampin’ Up絕版章一組喔! 歡迎妳到Helen格子聯結作品,就具備抽獎資格了!


    1. Hi Helen, 我的天啊, 我想再也沒有得到你的讚美更開心的事了
      Thanks for stop by!!! Your comment just make my day!!!!!!!!
      感謝你這麼有心思也辦了活動慶祝, 剛剛馬上就去連結完作品囉
      最後, Happy Thanksgiving!!
